Many years ago my work and fun was travelling the world making different costumed characters and shows. I loved to bring visions to life and the experience of travelling and meeting so many people and cultures.
One time my travels took me to Brazil, at one of the events I was stilt walking at, I met Sao Bernado of the Xavante tribe. He was raising money and awareness for his peoples.
For the first time in my life I felt a really strong heart feeling to raise money for the tribe and to return.
The money I raised, with much help and support was used to buy plants and fruit trees for the villages where I stayed for a month.
The people I met were so beautiful and I also found myself in dangerous situations of corrupt threats from agencies. Also I realised how naive I had been travelling all alone to make this happen. I saw how these people still had more authentic connection to life than myself. It took me into a time of deep introspection as to why we are so disconnected and how this actually is part of why many indigenous peoples are suffering.
They have so much authentic connection to share. I am deeply grateful that the journey of healing I took led me on a path to connect to much of this ancient wisdom and connection within.
The good news is that many trees grew, fruited and seeded to be spread to other villages. And the deeper journey in myself that i now turn into recourses for others to re-find the connection to all within, its all part of the journey. Here, you can find the resources I learnt lots from this beautiful time and the permaculture projects such as that i visited to gain more insight into what I was doing.
Like with healing, we cannot heal another, only hold and support them to find what is within. The same with helping people, I actually learnt more of what was missing in myself through this journey, learning so much of what we have lost and how to reconnect in ourselves first. I believe we all have something to support each other for the future of life.
This journey is ongoing and as well as the resources, I have big intentions to continue with ways to support indigenous peoples to reclaim their lands and customs, their ways to grow. My personal journey finds me doing this more authentically as I reclaim more of who I am too.