Veda Austin offers amazing insight into the consciousness of water. I am humbled to share the story of my NDE and the magic of that experience at this event.
Author: lucidobscura
Where many things began for me.
Many years ago my work and fun was travelling the world making different costumed characters and shows. I loved to bring visions to life and the experience of travelling and meeting so many people and cultures.
One time my travels took me to Brazil, at one of the events I was stilt walking at, I met Sao Bernado of the Xavante tribe. He was raising money and awareness for his peoples.
For the first time in my life I felt a really strong heart feeling to raise money for the tribe and to return.
The money I raised, with much help and support was used to buy plants and fruit trees for the villages where I stayed for a month.
The people I met were so beautiful and I also found myself in dangerous situations of corrupt threats from agencies. Also I realised how naive I had been travelling all alone to make this happen. I saw how these people still had more authentic connection to life than myself. It took me into a time of deep introspection as to why we are so disconnected and how this actually is part of why many indigenous peoples are suffering.
They have so much authentic connection to share. I am deeply grateful that the journey of healing I took led me on a path to connect to much of this ancient wisdom and connection within.
The good news is that many trees grew, fruited and seeded to be spread to other villages. And the deeper journey in myself that i now turn into recourses for others to re-find the connection to all within, its all part of the journey. Here, you can find the resources I learnt lots from this beautiful time and the permaculture projects such as that i visited to gain more insight into what I was doing.
Like with healing, we cannot heal another, only hold and support them to find what is within. The same with helping people, I actually learnt more of what was missing in myself through this journey, learning so much of what we have lost and how to reconnect in ourselves first. I believe we all have something to support each other for the future of life.
This journey is ongoing and as well as the resources, I have big intentions to continue with ways to support indigenous peoples to reclaim their lands and customs, their ways to grow. My personal journey finds me doing this more authentically as I reclaim more of who I am too.
Rewiring our Brains and Temple Creation!
Several years Ago, when I woke from being in a coma, I tried to draw the visions of a temple I had visions of.Because of what had happened to my brain the pen and hand and eyes and brain were not doing as I was used to, this is my first attempt at drawing. Before, I was a really skilled artist who could draw sacred geometry and celtic artwork free hand so this was a bit confusing

.Bit by bit I persevered and brought my abilities back on line with drawing, painting and creating. It was quite amusing watching people in the hospitals faces as I went from this to what Im truly able to do.Before long with the support of a crowd funding project I was on the way to create a temple. It took me a while and I manifested everything, or hand made it to create this Temple, from the vision into physical reality.Changes to the brain are so insanely strange and frustrating yet I always knew my connection to spirit and that I was learning something. Healing and rewiring the brain comes with time and patience. I was just happy to be alive.The grief hit me when I realised what had happened to humanity and the fragmentation of our brains… What had taken us from our potential and connection with life. And this has become what I change in my practices. Because I realise we can rewire back to connection… it takes time and practice.Way back in art college I used to paint brains and explore consciousness and patterns in connection to nature….. Everything we do in our life journey has an importance to our gift to life. I have deep gratitude that I can bring vision to life and that im learning more and more how to!!
The Temple of the Stars Neuroplasticity
A huge part of my life was spent turning my visions into costumes and interactive worlds, I travelled the world as a performance artist for many years. I often had some kind on internal fight as I may end up working for some very strange companies and things, that was when money was involved and then there was so much free creativity too .
.In that time I saw sooo very much, so many people, So many faces.
Some of my work dived deep making sonic instruments and harps with beautiful women and blood. So people would see beauty.. and look a little deeper and see the pain and the blood, It was a soundscape of dance and was intended that people see the beauty in pain. There is beauty when we go into our pain and explore it, it is where we find our magic, our souls, our feelings and authentic power.
I see and feel that so many of us have disconnected and fragmented because of pain and to feel is the way home. Yet this is to be done with so much care and awareness of the nervous system.
My journey and the amazing oportunity i had to travel the world with my art, took me to meet tribal people and raise money to make an aid project there. with many others support, I returned alone into the depths of brazil to see what i could do to make change.
What I experienced taught me the deeper truth of what was causing their suffering, and what I could learn from these beautiful people to go home to change the only one I could change. myself.
At a certain point it was the Monarch butterflies in mexico that woke me to see a different way than performing, as there really were deep thing in me to heal. To see the next stage of my path. I let go of all and became very sick.
It was my womb, the connection to sacred blood I was healing. At the door to the hospital was a huge statue of a monarch butterfly as I began a conscious shamanic path ( I believe we are all on a path).
When I was in the coma years later I was back, with the butterflies. I am writing a book about the experience now, its beautiful and deep.Here is a picture too of a painting I made a couple of months into my hospital term …. healing.
Im writing these stories as at this time now im in Mexico, deeply preparing for the next part of the journey. I do believe my art is finding its most authentic expression. I have some big I focus on really deepening some sacred crafts and finishing my book

Metal, the spirit of the sword
Last year by the fire in the sacred place I was living I was learning deeper, the metals. Here I’ve been deeply learning smithing, I just finished my first ring. Its a beautiful process of patience and calm creation. The ring is snakes and stars, silver with a stone set.
As I left to the atalier today I found a snake in my path. It wasnt alive so I hid it in the forest. On my way home I picked it up and the locals who saw me do that think im even more crazy

. I feel more and more at home here, there is something about the smiles.
For many years I download through visions, jewellery from what seems a mix of ancient and modern things from other worlds. I love it its so very real to me and there is something so beautiful of creating melting metals and the feelings. The feelings of working the metal. the fire and there’s deeper magic. The feelings are not always good, there is ancient trauma. Through my journey and the medicine of life I feel these traumas lead to truth, to love as long as we are in a calm and regulated place to integrate them.
I’m fascinated by what feels like a new medicine that I have somehow always known. In any craft and art the creativity, the sensual energy that flows and grows is full of messages. its a reciprocal journey of creating and feeling, discovering. Im finding deeper my sacred crafts and developing them.
As I work deeper with the elements and how they bring balance, I love to integrate metal. Its something I began to realise was really an essential element for me as I learned to love kung fu. Metal is an energy that cuts through, sets boundaries, yet is solid and calm with changeability..
Its about clear direction, decision, for me and I’ve been really learning about that too. As I’m learning forms of dance, and when I’m not clear, really clear with my movement when I’m leading, others don’t see the messages. When I’m clear people know where they are and are much more empowered to be in their body and dance too. Wow that message runs through all life ! And how we can feel empowered, regulated and in a place of embodied choice.
now I journey deeper and deeper into this element how it feels. And I find an inner calm a truth and realise to go deeper into that truth brings more strength. Something happened this week possibly due to astrology and gateways that has opened me from what I thought was where I was going to seeing Im already being. Grateful.
Heres the journeys with the elements I offer so far Im feeling there will be an addition to these practices as metal for me seems to be such a connecting element, a conductor.…/
I give great thanks that life through the prayer I live is always guiding the way, these ways bring such deeper inner soul balance for me in all Im here to be and transform.Im also loving being in a creative workshop, learning being cheeky. Learning alot more spanish and local swearwords to get me through this life in the cheekyest way possible.

Happy Lammas time all xx
Jungle Soul

So I’m in a different land, one Ive been to so many times before, many times this life and others. My I prayed to come back here and make it through the epic journey of healing to be able to. And here my favourite place all fenced off and guarded because apparently a certain c thing so now you have to pay to not see it in a tourist way.nothing changes with me and i know theres a way so i find it past the masses of kids smoking epicly strong weed, a bit of a sad symptom of what happens as a result of tourist demand here. to a little trail. Find some ancient unescavated ruins that ive known before and then hmm a bit like dartmoor nature plays her tricks and im lost in the jungle round and round glad to not meet any poison snakes and glad i know to stop and listen to my i get back to a stream i know it will lead me out as i know the place from times b4 but not quite this one, but its the jungle and here yet another reminder when your finding a new way, not to trust things that look like support

. So i just get to climb down tiers and tiers of waterfall, its dry season here so my phone survived but my trousers didnt.beyond anything i got my soul back thats what i heard would happen if i trusted what i could now im working through the epic jungle of my book bringing it together clear with trust. layers of brain rewiring and shamanic journeys, nature and patterns life lessons dreams. i know its gonna get me there and im getting there just like in the waterfall. nice to be able to do this

love seque xxnice to have felt that moment of absulute freedom of not knowing climbing down a waterfall for a very long time.Oh yeah and I let the local kids at a barbor shop in the last town i was in loose on my hair, thats what the go faster stripes are. they were laughing and talking tongue i dint understand as they used the razor. they found it more funny when i said in spanish i think its probably good i dont understand what your saying

they made a good job

Changing times, new visions
Sharing a little memory. this is the humble home i was living in, writing, creating, healing! and dreaming in for the last few years, as i was moving out. It was encircled with pots and sacred herbs which have gone to homes, the blackthorn grew up around me as i for the first time in years found a home to stay.
In February I let go of this home and exchanged the money for a beautiful magical instrument of prayer I saw in a vision, made by a very dear sacred friend. they used that money to journey in nature so it was definitely a sacred flow.
This home came to me in a vision, I prayed to live offgrid in nature and i saw the place and direction in a vision then hunted it down someone was leaving that day.
we are magical beings and when we pray in alignment with our souls truth the universe answers. Im on the next part of my journey, ive spent the last two months exploring a new home and editing some online resources. The resources, I prefer to call them that rather than courses are for deep embodied connection with spirit, to support through deep life initiation and reconnection to who we truly are. Im making an integration of new websites for these resources and connection to be accessible worldwide. All inspired by years of deep personal work using ancient and modern techniques and channelled visions. Very soon I will open the doors for a small group to journey within to have access to these resources.
For so many of us its been deep and challenging times and glimmers of magic shine the way of truth and purpose.
This is the place that held me through a time they called lock down. I loved it. I walked and explored everywhere. I saw deer everyday and conversed with the trees and flowers. I found myself to be in an ancestral village with layers of past and spirit connection. At a hill fort where I felt grounded yet in the stars, where I could hold the sacred fire inside and out everyday.
I miss the sacred motherland her herbs the birds and flowers. So many sacred soul friends, creatives and dreamers. Here I share a picture of some of my favourite friends from my old home, behind them the sea. As well as opening up to trusting as i make new connections and reconnect with my past in another land. new magic evolves. New beauty new ways of working the medicines I personally learnt to break through.
Now im going into the jungle to make final edits of my book which i stopped writing in 2020 as alot of the book predicted what was coming. Yet always was about how to unravel conditioning and traumas in these times, so its time. I feel it will be an ebook, one that can be converted to kindle so it can reach everywhere. A journey of earth and stars, of embodiment, nature, ancient wisdom and creation.
I go now to the ancient temple where I first channelled the star beings, now resourced with ways to ground and embody the same prayer.
For now I breath feel, bleed, sleep , pray, dance, eat and create gently slowly in my own time trusting the messages that come through and the spirit that shines through.
A little gift i left in one of my favourite woods which will now be green and magical full of new fresh life. happy springtime all its so lovely to see many of you blossoming already in your Seque